Write 5 interesting facts about the person who gave you this award
eda...me kenal online jek start kenal sbb join forum ULEK MAYANG tak penah jumpe .. org ganu jua.. yanie kate muka m n eda serupa..tp tang mane eh??
Jot down 10 interesting facts about yourself of your hobbies
me suka blogging terutama cite psl bam²
suka bace blog org..(kadang jadi silent reader jek)
suka sgt mengusik bam² sampai dia menjerit..
suka jugak la menjahit tp bile dh malas tinggal cmtu jek, muahaha..
suka kuar jenjalan..duk dlm keta pon jadi asalkan kuar
suka beli toys or book utk bam²..
thursday..suka suh ddy beli kuih kacang, wajib!!!
suka baca magazine Pa&Ma
suka tgk cite cartoon..bersama bam²
suka apply keje tp bile di panggil i/view msti rase mcm xmo sbb cian kat bam² sape nk jage..hwaa
Pick your 10 most deserving receipients and describe them.
ermm.. mls nk sebut sape². kalu rajin buat la eh..ehehee
Leave a comment on the receipient's blog to tell them they've been tagged
Jot down 10 interesting facts about yourself of your hobbies
me suka blogging terutama cite psl bam²
suka bace blog org..(kadang jadi silent reader jek)
suka sgt mengusik bam² sampai dia menjerit..
suka jugak la menjahit tp bile dh malas tinggal cmtu jek, muahaha..
suka kuar jenjalan..duk dlm keta pon jadi asalkan kuar
suka beli toys or book utk bam²..
thursday..suka suh ddy beli kuih kacang, wajib!!!
suka baca magazine Pa&Ma
suka tgk cite cartoon..bersama bam²
suka apply keje tp bile di panggil i/view msti rase mcm xmo sbb cian kat bam² sape nk jage..hwaa
Pick your 10 most deserving receipients and describe them.
ermm.. mls nk sebut sape². kalu rajin buat la eh..ehehee
Leave a comment on the receipient's blog to tell them they've been tagged