Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Suda jadi orang Seremban pula ba..
Aduiii..kepenatan ba ni. Kelmarin pigi cuci rumah di Taman Sri Pulai, Seremban.. Me, daddy n syamil..yang paling penat ddy la, kesian dia cuci sorg²..me lepas tidurkan syamil baru boleh tolong. itu pun di bawah sja, yang di atas ddy yg settle kan..
Bila mau masuk rumah?? Hmmm..inda tau lagi, coz air pun belum ada lg, meter kena curi sda tu. Today baru org JBA mau dtg pasang..
** Last friday after ambil kereta di shah alam (kargo dari kk) me pigi melawat Rayyan (bby jaja).. mcm muka mmy dia tu, huhuuu.. kecilll sja, me pun takut mau pegang, sebab biasa pegang syamil yang bam bam, ehehee... tapi pegang juga la, ringan sja, kihkihh..
Bila mau masuk rumah?? Hmmm..inda tau lagi, coz air pun belum ada lg, meter kena curi sda tu. Today baru org JBA mau dtg pasang..
** Last friday after ambil kereta di shah alam (kargo dari kk) me pigi melawat Rayyan (bby jaja).. mcm muka mmy dia tu, huhuuu.. kecilll sja, me pun takut mau pegang, sebab biasa pegang syamil yang bam bam, ehehee... tapi pegang juga la, ringan sja, kihkihh..
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
1st bby boy in family..
Td abang din msg "A'slmkum, kakak dah selamat lahirkan bby".. Alhamdulillah!!! Me pon ape lg, terus kol abang din..
me : Assalamualaikum..
abg din : W'salam..
me : abg din!! boy ke girl??
abg din : ehehe..cube teka!!
me : alaaa..org excited ni!! girl kot!!
abg din : haaaa...salah!! bby boy la!!
me : wahhh..lahir cmne?
abg din : vakum gak, mcm aju ar!
me : ha? nape..dia xlarat gak eh?
abg din : a'ah..tp alhamdulilah, bby ok..normal
me : so bile kuar sepital?
abg din : xtau lg, ni skrg dia tgh terapi, kene darah tggi
me : ha? bukan kencing manis ke? hr tu xde lak dia kate darah tggi pon
abg din : tu la psl..darah tggi la plak
me : hmm..mms ar gmbr bby
abg din : nnti abg din pegi petang kang abg din amik
me : xsaba lak nk tgk..k la abg din, jgn lupe mms tau!! bye..
abg din : ok..bye!!
Eheheee...me lak yg excited!!! sbnrnye me ckp ngan kakak sure bby girl pnye, coz k.long dia pon dua² girl n adik badik dia sume pompuan, xde laki pong..konfiden jek me jwb, huhuuu..last² amik haaa..1st bby boy in d family..leh lawan pedang ngan syamil nih, ahahaaaa.....
me : Assalamualaikum..
abg din : W'salam..
me : abg din!! boy ke girl??
abg din : ehehe..cube teka!!
me : alaaa..org excited ni!! girl kot!!
abg din : haaaa...salah!! bby boy la!!
me : wahhh..lahir cmne?
abg din : vakum gak, mcm aju ar!
me : ha? nape..dia xlarat gak eh?
abg din : a'ah..tp alhamdulilah, bby ok..normal
me : so bile kuar sepital?
abg din : xtau lg, ni skrg dia tgh terapi, kene darah tggi
me : ha? bukan kencing manis ke? hr tu xde lak dia kate darah tggi pon
abg din : tu la psl..darah tggi la plak
me : hmm..mms ar gmbr bby
abg din : nnti abg din pegi petang kang abg din amik
me : xsaba lak nk tgk..k la abg din, jgn lupe mms tau!! bye..
abg din : ok..bye!!
Eheheee...me lak yg excited!!! sbnrnye me ckp ngan kakak sure bby girl pnye, coz k.long dia pon dua² girl n adik badik dia sume pompuan, xde laki pong..konfiden jek me jwb, huhuuu..last² amik haaa..1st bby boy in d family..leh lawan pedang ngan syamil nih, ahahaaaa.....
Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Last week..mdir told me yg dia kene transfer to KL... Pulak tu suh report 1st Dec..gile ah, short notice tuu..ingt KL tu sebelah ke ngan KK ni??!! Pastu kol sane mntk postpone, so HQ bg until Dec 9. Kitorg fly dr KK on 5th..so ade mase ar nk rest ke ape ke. Actually me xberapa suka mdir dpt HQ coz sure blk lmbt, tau la kan..jem!! n masuk commercial sure bzzz!!! xsuke xsuke!!
Suddenly just now mdir bgtau yg HQ kol suh gi Seremban plak, fenin..fenin..!! Mmg la mdir firstly apply Seremban, tp camno..umah pon xde lg ni, adehhhh!!!
Nmpk gaye nye mdir sorg dulu ar gi duk sane..me mybe stay kat Kajang or Selayang.. tgk ar cmne ni, kang mdir balik baru nk discuss..feninnnnn!!!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Yang mana satu, idaman kalbu...

Hmmm..me nak bagi gelang kat anak kngah la, which one shantik ehh?? yg pic bawah skali tu nama org lain..tp ok ke kalu bg budak² guna tali steel tu, ke xsheshuaiii??
Me ingt nk bg rantai yg ade huruf² mcm ni jugak tp stakat ni baru ade choker..xmo la bg choker, kang tercekik budak tu plak.. xpe la, gelang pon ok gak, dia skrg ni dah pandai hargai barang org bg..xmcm dulu, kejap² tercabut la, ilang la..hmm, harap² kakak suke!!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Yesterday, me ddy n syamil pegi wedding one of ddy's officemate. Dorang buat kat Dewan SESB, near Karamunsing Complex. Ingt nk take few pics but malangnye xdapek coz syamil mcm takut dgr music kuat sgt, actually got biggg size speaker behind us..huhuu. So then me bwk syamil out from there..
A while after me kuar, ddy pon dtg coz nk makan. Ddy lum sempat mkn lg, kat dlm td me yg makan dulu, hihi.. n me siap pesan lg kat ddy "letak byk skit eh ddy, i'm not full yet,huhuu"
Mase tgh syiokk mkn nasi ddy tu dorg kat dlm menari poco-poco.. me pon ape lg gi ar masuk kejap, me tak penah tgk. Kalu kat Semenanjung kan joget lambak tp berterabur la menari tu kan, poco-poco ni mcm teratur jek, in line lagi. Me nk take a pic but lupe nk amik hp lak, adeh..if not buleh me tayang here..
To jaja..me sebenarnye terasa kemalasannye nk update blog 3 4 days ni..hahhaaa
n..kakak, still remember baju dinner malpra yg i pakai dulu tu?? i muat lg, yeahhhh!! 5 years dah tu baju tuuu...but still elok lg, eheheee!!
A while after me kuar, ddy pon dtg coz nk makan. Ddy lum sempat mkn lg, kat dlm td me yg makan dulu, hihi.. n me siap pesan lg kat ddy "letak byk skit eh ddy, i'm not full yet,huhuu"
Mase tgh syiokk mkn nasi ddy tu dorg kat dlm menari poco-poco.. me pon ape lg gi ar masuk kejap, me tak penah tgk. Kalu kat Semenanjung kan joget lambak tp berterabur la menari tu kan, poco-poco ni mcm teratur jek, in line lagi. Me nk take a pic but lupe nk amik hp lak, adeh..if not buleh me tayang here..
To jaja..me sebenarnye terasa kemalasannye nk update blog 3 4 days ni..hahhaaa
n..kakak, still remember baju dinner malpra yg i pakai dulu tu?? i muat lg, yeahhhh!! 5 years dah tu baju tuuu...but still elok lg, eheheee!!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Tagged by Jila
RULE #1 People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any 1 questions that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves
RULE #2 Tag 5 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by and continue this game by sending it to other people.
1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
One time, it's ok..2nd time, leave him!!!
2. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
For this time being, wish my hubby get to transfer to Seremban..Peninsular tuuu!!
3. Whose butt would you like to kick?
Hmmm..my brother, coz he's missing in action..i miss him so muchh!!
4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
Travel, shopping, what ever i want, sukati laaaaaa...!!5. What is the most evil thing you ever done?
Try to crush somebody's handphone n campak laut..ada lg kot, can't remember, but not so evil la, hihii
Try to crush somebody's handphone n campak laut..ada lg kot, can't remember, but not so evil la, hihii
6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
Loved by someone
7. Are you gorgoues?
What do u think..'wink wink'
What do u think..'wink wink'
8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
I don't care..coz i already got a luvly chubby husband, yeahhh!!
9. What do you pray each day for your loved one?
Good health n get to live a long life
10. What is your favourite song?
Don't hv one..kihkihh
11. How would you see yourself in ten years time?
Me, my hubby n 3 other kids..hihiii
12. What do you really want at the moment of responding to this tag?
Quickly finish this
13. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
A girl with the broken smile..got it from ur blog ba..
14. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
Married n rich..muahahaa
15. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?
Checking my son's tut tut..eheheee
16. What’s the character must have in your partner?
Luv me so much..it's a must!!
17. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
Experience it once..n like jila , just follow my heart.
18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done?
Forgive but NEVER forget.
19. Do you prefer being single or having a relationship?
Having a relationship.
20. Would you leave your family behind just to chase your dreams?
Daaa..i'm in Sabah!!
Victims : Sape² la, ehehee..
Eh..i want these 2 guys to continue this game if they read my blog la..
1. K.e coz he's too lazy to update his blog
2. Tok ketua..mo kaco dia yg sonok baru kawen
Daaa..i'm in Sabah!!
Victims : Sape² la, ehehee..
Eh..i want these 2 guys to continue this game if they read my blog la..
1. K.e coz he's too lazy to update his blog
2. Tok ketua..mo kaco dia yg sonok baru kawen
Apple besar!!
Last night before balik umah me bought 6 pcs donut ni, lame xmkn rasenye.. mase pregnant hr tu selalu gak beli. Sbbnye mek jaja tu la, sape suh story² kat me psl mkn² ni.. me kuat mkn mase pregnant tau, tp kan lps bersalin pon me kuat mkn gak, huhuuuu..

Ddy nk mkn dah mlm td tp me ngantuk sgt so tertido ar.. me dah siap warn kat dia DON'T EAT WITHOUT ME, eheheee..cian ddy, last² dia gi panaskan pisang goreng..
Friday, November 14, 2008
Sepot rim..
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Chocolate Cake
Galokkk nak mkn choc cake..eheehee. Buat last night, tp...mcm xberapa naik coz me kacau manually, eheheee...
Monday, November 10, 2008
Silap ba..
Ler..silap beli ba, me wrongly beli spagetti yg halus tu, size dia besar skit je dari bihun, baru perasan hari ni, tp xpe la..asalkan jadi even xcukup bahan, eheee..
Alamak, dah bangun balik arr ..
Being tagged by k.ah
Me kene tag..adehh!! so copy paste from k.ah's blog je la dia pnye instruction tu, huhuu..
This is the instructions...
This is the instructions...
1) Take a RECENT picture of yourself or take a picture of yourself right now
2) Don't change your clothes, don't fix your hair...just take a picture
3) Post that picture with NO editing
4) Post these instruction with your picture
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Petang td me kuar jln² ingt nk cr lemang kot² ade lg..mdir kompiden kate ade, dia tnye dah org tu..hari² dia jual, haa..last² xde pon, dah la jauh gak tu. Dah tu tnye mase raya hari tu, mmg la org tu kate tiap² hari jual..raya je la, pe daaa. Tp xpe, dia yg drive, huhuu.. Then, kitorg terus gi Giant beli barang² ape yg patut..Pastu mula la suh cepat, takut terlepas Arsenal vs MU..huh,geram balik nihh!!
Arsenal vs Manchester United
Huh....nyampah!!! Arsenal byk kali dpt peluang gol tp xmasuk², pastu ade ke Mdir kate sbb me tgk tu yg xgol..then leh lak dia suh me gi wat air utk dia sure gol..pastu mmg gol pon by Nasri, tp me geram!! me nk tgk gak..tp geram mls dah nk tgk..kalu kalah padan muke,huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Ape-ape aje.....
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Insyallah kalu ada rezeki hubby me, dpt la transfer ke Seremban..kalu ada rezeki la, xde la jauh sgt nk balik kan,xyah beli tiket flight dah..pastu leh me cari keje kat sane,hihii..
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
New 'spek mate'
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Suria Sabah!!

One Borneo is already open. It’s a huge shopping centre with numerous hotels adjoined to it (as big as One Utama!). However, the construction of the place is not fully completed. Some parts e.g the park are still dusty.
And now Suria Sabah (same management as Suria KLCC) is also going to be opening a mall here. KK is getting to be quite a city. Yeahhhh, awesome!!
And now Suria Sabah (same management as Suria KLCC) is also going to be opening a mall here. KK is getting to be quite a city. Yeahhhh, awesome!!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Raya at KK..
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Raya with my 3mnth bby!!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
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